Jack the Lizard Wonder World


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THE VANCOUVER AQUARIUM is located in Stanley Park, which is a 10 minute walk from downtown Vancouver. Most of the displays are from the West Coast area. They recreate the ocean environment very well. You'll be amazed and you'll feel as if you are walking on the ocean floor.

Are you ready to get wet?

Your camera could be damaged because of the salt water.

Beluga, Vancouver Aquarium Jack the Lizard

Everybody is soaking wet. Yet, it seems to me that they are enjoying the Beluga Show.

Dad, look at me! Take a picture!

Even Mom and Dad want to try.

There is a funny looking frog, but he might be frighten by the gigantic human faces.

Dome Tank, Vancouver Aquarium

Where are all the fish and crab?

They are all hiding, somewhere behind the seaweed or the rocks.

BC Ocean, Vancouver Aquarium Jack the Lizard

Sometimes you have to look for them really carefully. Fish and crab blend themselves in with the background of their environment like Chameleon.
"Look, look, Mom! A huge Crab is here!"